For your classroomThis web quest was developed for music students in year 11, the aim of which is to allow students the opportunity to explore and ultimately develop a sound understanding of a variety of different music and the factors that have influenced and shaped it over time. The webquest requires students to conduct guided research through a variety of internet resources in to a self selected topic area each of which are integral to the year 11 syllabus.
Group research will allow students to interact, discuss, evaluate and ultimately better understand a variety of different factors that shape music and vice versa. Delivering content through a group presentation and a performance/composition students will develop a variety of higher order thinking skills such as synthesis, evaluation and analysis. Not only will students cover a wide variety of content central to the curriculum, this fun and engaging activity affords students the opportunity to develop the soft skills they will need to become active and informed citizens. Syllabus outcomes (Based on the NSW Board of Studies stage 6 syllabus) Here is a list of syllabus outcomes this web quest can meet (Marking Rubric). Additionally, WebQuests provide flexible structure within which students can prepare for: further education and training, employment, full and active participation as citizens. ImplementationThe beauty of this web quest is that it can be changed and taylored to suit the teachers needs and the needs of a variety of students. Implementing the web quest could be an ongoing activity through out an entire semester and provides the teacher with plenty of opportunity to differentiate the curriculum for students who may need it. However this web quest works well over six different sessions!.
Session 1: Students are split in to groups based on the genre of music they will research, here they will decide which three topics they will research further. Students are allowed to access relevant resources and are shown how to use / log in to technological tools that facilitate online discourse and collaboration, (inside/outside of school). Session 2: Topic 1: Together students access online resources and begin to research and formulate an argument regarding the influence of factor one on the selected genre. Students will collaborate on the presentation of the research and begin to analyze musical examples to inform their performance or compositions. Session 3: Topic 2: Together students access online resources and begin to research and formulate an argument regarding the influence of factor two on the selected genre. Students will collaborate on the presentation of the research and begin to synthesize their performance or compositions. Session 4: Topic 3: Together students access online resources and begin to research and formulate an argument regarding the influence of factor three on the selected genre. Students will collaborate on the presentation of the research and finish synthesizing their performance or compositions and evaluate it. Session 5: Students have chance to practice presentations in class. Students will work on the presentation of the research and their performance or compositions. Session 6: All groups deliver their presentations and performances or hand in a short composition. |